Lesson 1.3 Limits of Religion

Max Johnson
1 min readSep 14, 2020

Listening to these podcasts has been quite eye-opening right off the bat. Having a somewhat unproblematic religious experience throughout my life has not led me to see some of the flip-sides that occur. One of the ladies having her children in a school that does not recognize Jewish holidays is something that I have never experienced first or second-hand before. Even though I may not have such experience, I do like to think that being as diverse as it is, Houston has a better understanding than some places do when it comes to acknowledging other religions. Nonetheless hearing these first-hand sources does bring up a major concern that anything other than the most popular religions are almost assuredly going to face issues in day-to-day life. It seems like one of the main limitations when it comes to religion is peoples’ failure to have the desire to understand religions that they do not align with. Prior to hearing these testimonies today, I would say that if you asked me questions concerning the issues of non-major religions, I would probably guess that there are plentiful issues. On hearing this podcast, however, it would appear pretty much everything that is not Christianity faces issues.

